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West Melbourne Parks Community Survey

Thank you so much for participating! The West Melbourne Parks Community Survey closed 04/04/2024. Below are the key takeaways from the community survey and public engagement. For more information, please click here to view the City Council Workshop presentation from July 16, 2024.

Key Takeaways (Recreation)

  • Many residents are unaware of programming provided by the City

  • Provide more facilities and programs for seniors

  • Provide more youth programs

  • Improve indoor space for recreational programming

Key Takeaways (Survey)

  • Top 3 visited parks: 

Community Park, Veteran’s Memorial Complex, Westbrook Park

  • Barriers to use:

Lack of awareness, Program or facility not offered, 
Use parks and facilities in the county or other cities

  • Highest priorities: 

Maintaining existing, Park security, 
Building new walking/biking trails, Playgrounds, 
Adding new parks

  • Common comment:

More shade

Key Takeaways (Parks)

  • Community Park is the most popular park

  • Some parks appear to be private/HOA owned which deters public use i.e., Westbrook Park, Hammock Lakes Park, and Jan Lieson Park

  • Parks should incorporate the following:   

    • Shade   

    • Walking loops/fitness trail   

    • Improved lighting (security)

  • Park branding could be improved i.e. consistent naming and visual cues

Key Takeaways (Survey)

• Top 3 visited parks: 
Community Park, Veteran’s Memorial Complex, Westbrook Park
• Barriers to use:
Lack of awareness, Program or facility not offered, 
Use parks and facilities in the county or other cities

• Highest priorities: 
Maintaining existing, Park security, 
Building new walking/biking trails, Playgrounds, 

Adding new parks
• Common comment:

More shade

Key Takeaways (Parks)

Community Park is the most popular park
Some parks appear to be private/HOA owned which 
deters public use i.e., Westbrook Park, Hammock 
Lakes Park, and Jan Lieson Park
Parks should incorporate the following:
    Walking loops/fitness trail
    Improved lighting (security)
Park branding could be improved i.e. consistent naming and visual cues

Key Takeaways (Recreation)

Many residents are unaware of programming provided by the City
Provide more facilities and programs for seniors
Provide more youth programs
Improve indoor space for recreational programming

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